I don't pretend to be the right solution to all people who need mental health care and I refuse to make choices about my business based on fear. It's not that I am never tempted . . . . Once in a while, I still am. But the truth is that fear is never a good reason to . . . slide your fees, work {...}
How to Use Google Analytics To Tell If Your Online Marketing Is Paying Off
If you have a website . . . if you are paying for online directory listings . . . if you are tweeting, active on LinkedIn or Pinterest, you need to know how to measure the traffic that you are getting (and not getting) from each of these sites. If you are like me and have struggled to figure out {...}
Psychotherapist Beware! Before You Pursue Your Client’s Unpaid Bill . . .
Kendra Docker, MA, NCC , owner of Soul Garden Counseling in Colorado wrote in with the following question . . . .
I was hoping to get your opinion on something. I recently started taking credit cards on a cell phone device (Intuit). One of my clients had a missed appointment charge, then a charge {...}
Consult, Get Educated, Get Supervised, And, Get Therapy – Referrals Are Based On Your Competence
It has happened again. I have a supervisee struggling with a desire to refer her client out because of a conflict in values. It's a common occurrence for mental health professionals, those in training, as well as those providing the training to find their personal values to be in conflict with {...}