As you develop your marketing strategies for working with the educational community, don’t forget to consider collaborating with your competitors.
- Begin by asking professionals in education for the names and contact info of other health professionals they work with.
- Contact those individuals whose names your were given. Invite them to meet with you to discuss possible ways for health professionals to collaborate.
- Create a resource directory / guide that details each professional’s services and areas of expertise.
- Use the internet to collect the names and contact info for other allied health professionals in your geographic area who focus on education issues.
- Don’t forget to include any professional association that may also focus on these issues. Obtain mailing lists for these organizations.
- Send a personalized cover letter introducing yourself to each individual with a copy of your resource directory / guide.
- Invite each individual to complete a form (which you will include with the letter above) and return it to you if they wish to be included in the next version of the resource directory.
- Follow up with a telephone call to arrange a meeting with each one.
In this way, your competitors become your allies and you strengthen your position in the educational community.
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