Change happens . . . to clients and therapists alike.
In the last month, I've spoken with a lot of therapists about transitions:
Four are in the midst of relocating their practices to new cities or states;
One just lost a pregnancy;
One was just diagnosed with breast cancer;
Seven {...}
Archives for 2016
Counselors Talking Out Of School Or . . . What Not To Say Online
Long gone are the days when professional counselors could ethically speak publically about their clients simply by stripping away all of the identifying information.
These days, discussing a client at all - with or without identifying information - is not only unethical, it is also considered to {...}
How To Build An Amazing Community Around Your Blog
A few weeks ago, my videographer colleague and friend Ernesto Segismundo and I were talking about why it's so important to build a vibrant community online.
Those of you who have already attended BlogStart for Therapists know the answer, right?
When you engage followers of your online work means {...}
40 Online Counseling Directories To Help You Get Found Online
Because you've asked, here is your 2016 updated list of online counseling directories.
However, therapist beware - not all directories are equally useful.
Some are free, many are not.
And, certainly not all get much traffic or result in you getting much traffic to your website or calls to {...}