I'm so pleased to be listed among the 30 Best Counseling & Psychology Blogs of 2014! Click on the image above to check out all of the blogs that made the list for 2014! And, if this is your favorite blog, I hope you'll drop in below and let me know why. And, if it's not your favorite, I hope {...}
Archives for 2014
What To Do When Others Want To Cash In On Your Reputation
A Bad Choice
A guy in marketing made an unfortunate series of choices in the last few months.
He sent out a blast of emails to therapists stating that he and I had "collaborated" when we had not.
He also took the liberty to take images of my banner / logo from my website and use them on his own {...}
Build The Psychotherapy Business You Want, Not The One You Are “Supposed” To Have
Over the last year, I've had more than one conversation with art therapist Amy Maricle about the business of private practice. And, every conversation has had the same thread running through it - personal integrity.
When she offered to write this guest post on building the business you want, I {...}
Repetition To Build The Know – Like – Trust Cycle
Earlier this year I was hanging out with Laura Roeder in Creating Fame when she started talking about the comfort that comes with repetition in our marketing.
I thought about that and realized she's right!
That's why children love to have their favorite stories told to them and then re-told {...}