Hi, gang, and welcome to 2014!
I been busy lining up my training schedule for 2014 and I’m hoping to make it to several of your home towns to meet you in person this year. It’s so much fun to get to put real faces with your names and leave you with great solutions to your private practice dilemmas, too!
In the mean time, I wanted to take a moment to talk about New Year’s Resolutions. I typically ignore them mostly because they give us a false sense of hope and then a false sense of failure. So, more than a few years ago I decided that I would skip them all together and, instead make the changes I wanted to make whatever day of the year I decided to make them. That has worked a lot better for me.
Just One Word
And, then . . . more than two years ago I took up a new way to observe the new year. I choose a word – just one – and I use it as a mantra for the year. It’s a way to keep me focused and moving forward in a generally positive direction. It doesn’t afford me exactly a checklist and there aren’t a bunch of things for me to tic off and say I’ve completed. But it does allow me to look back over the past year and see a general pattern of successfully moving forward . . . and I like that. Until this year, I’ve never told anyone about this ritual and definitely not about my special word. I think I was afraid that if I told anyone, that I would sabotage my efforts. That didn’t prove true, earlier this year when I mentioned it for the first time so I’m thinking that I should just share this idea with you in case you, too, are disatisfied with New Year’s Resolutions but are looking for a different way to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the current new year.
In 2012, my word was “YES!” and it was just like that . . . all capital letters and an exclamation point, too. It was a BIG little word and it encompassed a whole lot in those four characters. It meant, for me to remain open to possibilities and a willingness to lean into life. It represented finding the enthusiasm to do what I do in all areas of my life. And, it was also about conviction and commitment and focus, too. All of those intentions and messages were rolled up in my “YES!” And, more often than not in 2012, “YES!” was part of every day – keeping me focused and conscious of my choices.
In 2013, my word was “Courage.” That’s because I realized that my own fears have been 100% responsible for anything that I have not done or achieved in the last 53 years and I wanted to change that. And, so I’m doing just that – one technical challenge at a time, one trip to the gym and one hour in the swimming pool at a time I’m building my courage.
Am I always conscious of my choices? No. Am I always brave? Not even close. But what I am is so much closer than I ever was ten, twenty, thirty months ago and that’s really what matters.
I haven’t quite settled on my word for 2014 . But, I wanted to let you know that I’m working on it.
A New Year’s Word Search for You
And, while I’m at it, here’s a little gift I created for you. It’s a word search.
Here’s how this works. Notice what the first three words are that you see in the grid above. Circle them and choose to focus on these this year to help inspire you and to guide you as you work to grow your private practice.
Later This Month . . .
I’ll be launching From Blah to BAM! Brawny Blogging for Hungry Therapists in the next few weeks so keep an eye out for the announcement.
And, in the mean time, whatever way you choose to observe the new year – a special word, a New Year’s Resolution, choosing three words from above, or something else that’s entirely different – consider taking a moment to share your thoughts with us here about your focus or intention for 2014.
Happy 2014 Tamara and ATPP Clan!
I love the word of the year…I think I might choose two words for 2014…”Why not?!”
It seems for me as I overcome one barrier another tumbles right behind it leaving me with some spacious horizon inviting me to connect, expand, and venture into new (and often unexpected) territory. Shall I expand my practice? Why not?! Shall I plan a trip to Costa Rica for 2 weeks? Why not?! Shall I create an entirely new program to help relationships and couples transform? Why not?!
I like it already!
Oh, Jenny, I love this! “Why Not?!” Isn’t it interesting how two simple words can change your horizon?
Wishing you many opportunities in 2014 to ask and explore “Why Not?!”
I came across one word this year with a friends post of Jon Gordon. It is a great way to focus! For many years I have sat down and jotted down goals for the year divided into 5 areas of life: Personal, Marital, Financial, Professional, & Home. And I have subcategories that include travel & education. This year I am doing this AND adding my One Word: Intentional. Intentionally doing each task that unfolds, fully acknowledging that it has influence! Over the years I go back over those goals for each year and I rejoice over how they come to past! Even when I don’t look at them again!
Hi, Mary! Welcome back to Private Practice from the Inside Out! I’ve missed your voice here.
OK, so I hit “send” too soon. Let’s try that again . . . Thank you for sharing your process for creating New Year’s Resolutions. I love how intentional it is. And, I’m totally jealous that you’ve kept up with the old ones and review them to gauge your success! Now I might have to reconsider . . . .
Thanks so much for mentioning Jon Gordon. I wasn’t familiar with his work but I took a minute just now to go find him online. That led me to this cool little site where you can create your own “One Word Poster.” So for those of you that are really visual, check out this tool. (And, Mary, feel free to drop back in and share a link to the specific post that your friend wrote, too!)
Wishing you a year full of intentional moments to rejoice in 2014 (and the intention to share them with us here so that we can celebrate with you!
I love this concept! My word for 2014 is going to be SUCCESS!
Welcome back, Arlinda! I’m hoping that you’ll be dropping in more often in 2014 to let us know how we can support you in creating and embracing your SUCCESS in 2014!
Tamara I think the “From Blah to BAM!” title for your workshop fits how I want my year to go. I found myself getting into a rut (at least with work) and now that I have somewhat of a fresh start I don’t want to take on or do any projects that make me feel like i’m on the hamster on wheel again.
Jill, what a lovely intention – to not take on obligations that keep you “on the hamster wheel again!” YES! Sometimes it takes feeling stuck on the wheel for a while to recognize that I can actually choose to step off and avoid the next ones.
From Blah to BAM! to you, Jill, in 2014! I’m looking forward to hearing about your BAMs in the coming year!
Thanks for sharing this Tamara,
I really love the idea of using words as a themes to live by during the year, and the puzzle you created gives the readers plenty of options to choose from. I think I’m going to incorporate this practice for myself this year.
Thanks again and all the best to you!
Relando! What a treat to find you dropping in today! I’m looking forward to seeing what fires you are lighting in 2014!
(And, for those of you who have not yet discovered one of my favorite change artists and bloggers, check out Relando’s blog Notes from an Aspiring Human (N.A.H.). He will stir your heart and your passions, too, to help you change our world.)
Blessings to you, Relando, in 2014!
I also wanted you to know that I’ve named you as a recipient of the Liebster award http://www.relandothompkins.com/2014/01/07/notes-from-an-aspiring-humanitarian-recieves-the-liebster-award/
Relando! Thank you! I know that you follow many bloggers who are doing the really important front line work of social change. I’m honored that you would choose to nominate my blog. I think of my work here as second line work – supporting the front liners.
Thank you, thank you! I’ll be accepting my award shortly and passing the honor along!
HI Tamara:
Thanks so much for sharing this. As you know, I also shun resolutions since for me they feel stiff and inflexible. I too try to focus on what feels good and be really open to trying new things, even in little micro baby steps to try them out. I guess I have an intention that guides me, rather than a hard and fast goal. I like how you provide yourself some structure with a key phrase. I can see how a word like YES! would make me feel courageous enough to try more things. I might use this!
Thank you!
Happy 2014, Amy!
Sending you MANY opportunities in 2014 to experience the courage that comes with YES!
Tamara, How brave of you to share your approach to New Year’s resolutions. I, too, have always thought that setting up to make changes at the beginning of the year is setting up for some sort of letdown. While I still don’t arrange anything for January 1, I do find myself making other changes throughout the year. I happen to believe small changes lead to bigger ones – like building blocks. I also learned last year that happiness can come from very unexpected places or the degree of happiness can far surpass what would be expected.
One thing that really helps me is to involve a trusted friend or two in both my accomplishments and things that I’d like to do differently. I’ve come to learn that even a little bit of true, honest positive reinforcement from someone other than myself is helpful to continue changes. I’ve also learned that sharing positive experiences or thoughts makes them just a little bit sweeter – or sometimes a lot more so.
Best wishes for everyone in 2014!
Welcome back, Lauren! I know exactly what you mean! I check in with Michelle, my accountability partner every Monday like clockwork for almost two years. It’s been a game changer for helping me get things done.
Great post, Tamara! I love the one word concept. I will have to think on this and pick my one word for 2014. Wishing you many New Year’s Blessings!
Hi, Bethany! I do hope you’ll drop back in to let us know what you’ve come up with. I’ve figured out mine in the last 24 hours and hope to be blogging about it soon.
This year, I seem to have a completely different approach to resolutions. I’m taking all my old goals that are unfinished and breathing new life into them. I also love the concept of having one word to direct my year. My pastor does this every year. 2014 will be my year to “build”. I will build on what I already know and have been taught. I will also begin to build a private practice. One small step at a time. I am so excited about this.
Oooooh, Michelle! BUILD! I’m loving that for you and how timely! You and Lauren are on the same path, I think, in focusing on those small steps to build great things! What I know is that often when we “fail” to meet our goals (or, for that matter, when our clients “fail” to meet their goals) it’s because we failed to count (or take into consideration) the small steps along the way.
Wishing you many small steps to BUILD on in 2014!
Thanks for this post Tamara!
I’m not big on setting resolutions either, but found some inspiration from your word search.
Thanks again!!
Shaketa! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! I’m so glad you found food for thought here as you start off the new year!
Feel free to drop back in often and share you challenges / ideas on building a private practice. (And, here’s how you can set up a little gravatar aka “a little picture of you” to show up by your comments on this website and others, too.
I love this idea. I often hate to make resolutions as well because I fear I will not follow through and be disappointed! I am making my word, “Now!” It will help me to focus on the present moment. I live in Vermont and have been working in the field for a little over 10 years. I received my MS in clinical psychology in 2010 and although I have all my hours have just started the process of getting my application ready and studying for my license. I spent over $700 on books to study over a year ago but just recently began to study. When purchasing the books, I had just taken on a new job and was full of fear in regards to “passing the test.” At this time, I am ready to move forward and now that I have the ability to do so! I just need to do it, “now,” as there is no time like the present and my footwork will do the job! I enjoy your posts on pintrest as I follow your boards!
Hi, Erica! I’m so glad you dropped in to chat!
I love the word “Now!” for so many reasons and it sounds like a perfect fit for you! I, too, freaked out when thinking about testing for my original license. I decided to fake myself out by taking the test as quickly as I could without studying. My thinking was that worst case scenario . . . I might waste a few hundred dollars hundred, have to take it a second time, and have the experience of taking the exam. But best case scenario is that I might pass it the first time ’round! It took the pressure off that testing experience . . . turned into an experiment . . . and, by the way . . . I only had to take it once! And, THAT, in turn, taught me a little something about the potential of “Now!”
Breathe “Now!” and do it . . . over and over again, Erica, in 2014! Welcome to the table!
Love this post! I had the idea to come up with a theme for my family this year, and my husband was willing to go along with that. I love the idea of having an individual theme as well, especially related to my practice.
After some thought, I selected “Brave” for my theme word. I have to really push myself to take risks sometimes. I think “Brave” will be a great reminder as I push myself to try some new marketing approaches and build a successful practice outside of managed care. I selected a theme song to help me remember my word theme – “Brave” by Sara Bareilles. http://youtu.be/QUQsqBqxoR4 I find that music helps motivate me and this song is perfect, especially the chorus. I think listening and/or dancing to it before I try something new could be very inspirational (for me) 🙂 We shall see… I also have a magazine collage hanging on my office wall that matches the theme word. I actually made it a month or so ago. Now it will serve as a reminder as well. It’s all coming together……..
Oh, yes, Kimberly! I love this idea of a theme for your family! And, how cool would it be to commemorate / collect something to mark each of those annual themes, too, so that years from now the family can look back over them. Thanks for sharing this idea!
And, your word “Brave” along with a theme song to keep you motivated and focused! YES! YES!
Wishing you many moments of bravery in 2014!
Every January 1, a group of friends get together for 3 hours and create our vision boards for the year. We begin with a guided meditation and then in silence and intuition we create our boards, pictures only, no words or numbers. Upon completion we share what we see and others join in. In taking it a step further and thinking of one word was quite difficult as my board for 2014 had a dividing line in it.
For the first half of 2014 my word is completion as I plan to have dissertation completed no later than June/July (heard the word today to prepare for oral defense) and for the second half it would be create. I have so many ideas for my practice and other ventures just awaiting to be released.
We do vision boards as mentioned above too (we=small group of friends). Last year I chose “prayerfulness” and this year “PhD” … this year, I’d love to finish my dissertation–much more concrete a goal than last year. Love the one word approach.
Love the focus, Emily! What do you need to do to finish that dissertation? What’s the next step?
My word for this year is CONNECTION. Being a solopreneur, I spend way too much time alone. I’m looking at ways to connect in the community for the purpose of gaining referral sources but also relationship.
I would appreciate any ideas you and your readers have on this.
I have a plan for the type of referral sources I want to connect with. However, I’m not sure how to get my foot in the door to meet them.
So far I’m thinking of mailing a flyer, then following up with a phone call and an invite to lunch.
Hi, Tawnya! I love your word! It’s so easy to let connections slip once you move into private practice and once that happens, you and your practice will start to wither up and die. Our CONNECTIONS really are the lifeblood for a private practice! So . . . you say that you have identified your potential referral sources but don’t know how to make that initial connection. What are those potential referral sources that you want to connect with?
Pastors, divorce lawyers, doctors, massage therapists, chiropractors, and hair stylists. People who listen to peoples’ woes but feel inadequate to help them.
P.S. Not sure why my avatar photo isn’t showing up. It used to. Maybe I used a different email address and your site didn’t recognize me.
Ah, there’s my photo. The email address was the problem.
Hope; …I use the same word every year it seems. It never disapoints and I always have a lot to hope for! First on the list…Hope for licensure (652hrs to go!). After that, all else should be a walk in the park on a sunny day!
Hi, Ron! Welcome to Private Practice from the Inside Out! I never thought of refocusing on the same word every year. That’s an interesting twist on this ritual! But what I do see is that you have lots of HOPE for! 652 hours means you are definitely chipping away at your goals! Best wishes on your journey!