Every single week I work with therapists who need help identifying their ideal clients. I lead them through conversations and exercises that help them narrow down and focus on who it is that brings them the most joy.
I first noticed today's guest blogger when she joined a Facebook thread stating {...}
Archives for 2014
PPIO Blog Carnival #3 – Top 10’s In Private Practice
Welcome to the ever-so-often Blog Carnival here at Private Practice from the Inside Out!
Thanks so much to all of the bloggers who submitted articles for this blog carnival!
The entries this time were AMAZING!
I've pulled out the best of the best entries today to share with you guys.
It's my {...}
How I Learned To Ride The Waves In Private Practice
Last night I was chatting on Facebook with marriage and family therapist Uriah Guilford about getting caught up in "the numbers" while trying to build a private practice.
Then I realized that I wanted you guys, too, to hear what I was sharing with him.
This is how I learned to ride the waves in {...}
Open Call For Submissions To The Blog Carnival On Private Practice From The Inside Out
It's been way too long since I hosted a blog carnival here at Private Practice from the Inside Out so it's time for another!
If you don't know what a blog carnival is or you are interested in submitting an entry, you can get all the details right here.
The theme for this next blog carnival is Top {...}