I think I've told you guys before that I'm a bit of a digital dinosaur . . . easily intimidated by all things tech. But, that doesn't mean that I can get along without the gadgets, apps, and software that are needed to stay connected to you.
In order to keep my practice running smoothly, I rely {...}
Archives for 2013
Why Psychotherapists (And Coaches) Need A Blog
I've talked to several different therapists this week who are intent on growing their private practices.
They all want to know the same thing . . . "How do I get clients?"
The easiest answer is ". . . one step at a time!"
It's important to know that almost all new clients will find you {...}
Getting The Most Out Of Clinical Supervision
Everywhere I go I run into conversations with new therapists about clinical supervision. The underlying theme in those conversations is "How do I get the most of out clinical supervision?" That question is exactly what Lauren Ostrowski agreed to write about today.
(If you are interested in writing {...}
Free AMA Webcast On 2013 Changes In CPT Codes
The last time the CPT Codes changed was in 1998. Due to changes in services being provided - primarily an increase in intensity of services needed and comorbidity in treatment focus - mental health providers are now providing outpatient services to more clients who are presenting with increased {...}