When you make the transition from student to professional . . . or from employee to self-employed, you need to make sure that your emails look like you mean business, too.
I'm not talking about psychobabble and I'm not talking about academic-ese. I'm talking about thinking like the Chief {...}
Archives for 2011
When Motivation To Market Your Private Practice Wanes
Once the newness and excitement of private practice has worn off, you may very well find yourself twiddling your thumbs with way too much time on your hands. That's when the real work begins . . . .
Julienne B. Derichs, LCPC from Highland Park, Illinois wrote in asking how to stay motivated long {...}
Business Twips From The Private Practice from the Inside Out Online Community
I was on Twitter yesterday asking for business twips to share with you. Here's a quick glimpse at some of the tweets I received.
DrVictoriaG Psychologist tweets . . .
Keep to your boundaries & treat every client the same"
Helpthiskid Uriah Guilford tweets . . .
Seek out a business coach to {...}
Guest Posting Guidelines, The Knowledge Market, & Running Conversations
Hi, gang! I'm taking a day off from posting today. Instead of sending you new info, I'm letting you know about a few odds and ends here on my blog . . . .
I've gotten several requests to guest post on this blog. I finally have my guidelines for guest posting put into writing. I hope you'll {...}