Are you preparing to accept payment for your professional services by credit card? Before you decide which credit cards to accept in your private practice, check out
Before you decide which credit cards to accept in your private practice, check out Cracking the Code by Jennifer Gill. In her {...}
Archives for 2010
Mistakes Happen . . . What’s A Therapist To Do?
Instructors nor colleagues ever spoke to me . . . in a classroom, as a supervisor, one on one, or even in a text about therapists' mishaps and what to do about them. No one ever spoke about them being opportunities for learning and growth.
Instead, when errors were made, I was taught that they {...}
When Mental Health Professionals Mock Their Clients
"Fat . . . Borderline . . . Retard . . . ."
It is always shocking to me how easy it is for medical and mental health professionals to reduce their clients to less-than-desirable and less-than-accurate one dimensional labels behind closed doors.
I've heard excuses that range from minimizing {...}
Have You Had Your Dose Of Disruption Today?
In 1977, Ilya Prigogine was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on "dissipative structures." Prigogine contends that because dissipative structures are disturbed i.e. shaken up by definition, they are able to change and evolve. On the other hand, those structures that are too well {...}