I've mentioned in the past how important it is to be involved with and connected to professional associations. Here's a list of professional associations to support you in your work and in your personal interests in mental health.
American Art Therapy Association
American Association for {...}
Archives for 2010
Muffins And Cameras And Artwork – Oh, My! When Clients Bring You Gifts
Over the last 20 years, I've had clients offer a variety of gifts . . . a bottle of wine, Christmas ornaments, their own artwork, frequent flier points on airlines, a digital camera, tickets to community events, a muffin from the local bakery, homemade cakes, and books. Early in my career, I was {...}
6 Ways To Keep In Touch With Clients
On Monday, I reminded you that when considering ways to keep in touch with your clients, it's critical that you consider the legal and ethical implications. Assuming you've taken those into consideration, believe that it is in your client's best interest for you to keep in touch, and have his or {...}
Before You Decide To Keep In Touch With Your Clients
Pamela Baker, in Pennsylvania wrote in asking, "What is the best way to keep in touch with clients?"
While it is a common business practice to keep in touch with clients during and after conducting business with them, it is not always considered legal, ethical, or within the common standards of {...}