One of the choices every practitioner in private practice has to make is how to set your fees.
Karlaye from Arizona writes . . .
. . . I set my base fee at $ 125 per hour . . . but the insurance companies that I work for set it at $85-95. If I have a private patient, its fine, but when I have a {...}
Archives for 2010
Getting Your Money Back From Insurance Companies
If you are a regular member of our community here, you already know that my practice is a
fee-for-service-only practice. However, if you are a provider who bills insurance companies for your services and you are having difficulty recouping your fees, check out this post about a doctor in Florida {...}
Counseling Clients Feel Better – For Your Supporting Data File
In the midst of your strategizing for your 2010 marketing plan, you need to gather what I call supporting data. This is a file that contains information that might help a potential referral source or client choose to work with me. One type of data that goes into my file are articles and research {...}
8 Reasons Why I Do Not Work With Managed Care Companies And What I Tell My Clients
I have made the choice not to contract with managed care companies for my professional services.
Here are the 8 reasons why . . . .
Reason #1 - Conflicts of Interest
As a Licensed Professional Counselor, I am required to avoid potential conflicts of interest.
My primary concern is for my {...}