Those who know better don't always choose to do better. Check out this press release from the U.S. Department of Justice for a clear reminder of the need for therapists to know what they are doing before they make the choice to file insurance for their clients.
Although I strongly recommend that {...}
Archives for 2009
Track Client Stats Now
Whether you've been in business for decades or you are only now starting, tracking statistics on your clients can give you invaluable information about your business cycle.
In my practice, I only track referral sources, monthly income and total hours that I see clients. It's not important to me {...}
Resources for Affordable Medications and Health Insurance
As health care costs continue to escalate, we all pay the price. Here are two online sources to help you and your clients find affordable health care.
Ken Pope’s resource page for Finding Health Insurance & Affordable Medications and Mental Health America’s Factsheet: How Can I Get Help {...}
Tamara’s Secret Weapon For Getting Unstuck In Marketing Your Private Practice
Since it's almost Independence Day, today seems like a really good day to share with you my favorite secret weapon for getting unstuck with my marketing. It's calendars! Yes, I said calendars. . . and here's the reason why. . . .
I collect special days, holidays, civic and religious days of {...}